Not even the 4:30am wake up call or the incredibly balmy morning could dampen the spirit at this stunning sunrise photoshoot at Thomson’s Bay Beach in Ballito. Well, who am I kidding? The humidity had us all damp and sticky and hair frizzing just in the hundred odd metres we had walked to get down to the beach. However, nothing phased this couple as we made our way through the infamous ‘hole in the wall’ and gingerly placed our feet on narrow rock pathways to get down to the secluded beach.

From climbing rocks and an old wooden staircase, to piggyback rides and dancing in the dappled sunrise, this shoot stole my heart and made my soul sing! Cait & Keagz, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both … hopefully many more moments in front of my camera!
Until then, who’s next? 🙂